Speaking & Events

Present and future speaking and events in Italy or over the world


Tailwind CSS Live Training Session

24 September 2022

At Villa Riso, with Edgemony collaboration, to guys that has finished the Next.js course, I will present an immersive exploration about configuration, classes and the use of ReactJS, VueJS or VanillaJS daemon with Tailwind CSS framework.

Digital Juice - AWS Face Mask live detection

9 June 2022

With IM*MEDIA and AWS Solutions Architect (Francesco Bertani) collaboration I have presented a serverless WebApp that recognize who has a face mask thanks to WebRTC API and AWS microservices.


Salerno Ecommerce Hub

7 October 2022

1 Day exhibition with a public speech about PrestaShock solutions

We Make Future 2022

June 2022

3 Day exhibition in WMF with PrestaShock solutions and 4ecom partners

SMAU Milano 2021

October 2021

2 Day exhibition at SMAU in Milano city with MiPaghi SaaS service and Sicily region partners. The platform also win an Innovation Reward.